Hi loves,

it´s Claudia

I guide women back home to their feminine bodies & natural wisdom. I help them liberate from deep pain to deep self trust & unfold their true potential. We will bring you back on right track and closer to your embodied self love, to create your feminine business and your wildest dreams alive.

I have always been fascinated about human expression
and all the different creative ways and possibilities, to make your insight seen, heard and felt.

Long before I had completed all my trainings in the field of holistic art therapy and somatic dance and movement, the human ability to feel, sense and reveal oneselve – through various disciplines of art – has always been my healing sanctuary, from an early age. Speaking wasn´t my first choice, to connect with the world around me.  I even felt very blocked, in doing so. I chose music, drawing, writing and dancing instead.

Much later in life – I came to realise – that I am a highly sensitive and a highly empathetic being, that feels very deeply and so very completely, especially on an energetic level. I saw, that everything goes straight under my skin and colours my being from outside in. I understood, how easy it is for me, to loose myself in the world of others and take on their stories of pain, trauma and suffering. Eventually, I recognized myself as a wounded healer & light worker.

I then fully commited to my healing journey and got busy with deepening my knowledge. I began to learn about the power of boundaries and saying ´No´. Slowly but steady I got an idea about self worth, self love and this silent voice within me that whispered: You deserve so much more, than people have told you.

I started to change and shift my inner world, in taking back my power of intuition and free choice as a woman. I allowed myself owning this gift of heightened sensitivity and clairvoyance. I suddenly understood, if I continue to betray and neglect my body´s knowing and heart whispers, I will follow a life of overwhelm and resentfulness, with people overstepping my boundaries and my womanhood. All I ever wanted, was to feel safe and seen, within my self. And it took me a while, until I realized, that the only person who could give this to me, was me.

So I spent years in healing, restoring, awakening my inner feminine & inner masculine and started building my deep wish of belonging, from scratch. Fueld by my deep longing for safety within my own physical, emotional and energetic body and every aspect of myself and life.

The golden key I found for myself in the dark moist, is the following. take back your power of choice, as a woman!

I know I am serving as a loving example for others. I strongly believe, that I came here to live my sacred truth and share it with the women who are seeking my guidance. Together we co – create and heal.

I always loved and still love to work closely with women. As it is the best way for them to fully benefit from my gifts as a splenic projector and intuitive healer. In this intimate 1:1 settings, I am able to read, feel and see them clearly and transmute and alchemise their energy.

All my life I transformed myself from deep pain and inner conflict towards more aligned truth and embodied self love. I guess it is what I came here to do. Because the work never ends and I love it. It gives my life meaning, sets me free on so many levels and I can hear my ancestors cheering at me!! Go for it!!

So let yourself feel. Deeply and whole heartedly. Its okay to lose track sometimes. But always come back to her. Cherish her. Nourish her. Be with her.

Letting go of oppression, stress and numbness in my system, is an ongoing process. I constantly work my way into light, trust and closeness. I came here to step into total liberation of the feminine, for the ones who couldn’t. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears, to become the woman that I am today. To fully accept and realize – that this heightened sensitivity and spiritual depth inside me – is my superpower only –  if I fully claim it and step into its responsibilities!

It felt scary first, because it meant, I had to let go of old familiarity and dive into unknown worlds. I had to die many ego deaths, endure deep emotional and physical pain, and let go of people and the life I thought I will have. I´ve been invited, to live through discomfort, abuse, illness and loneliness, to later allow trust, health and saftey – slowly and steady back into my life. I couldn´t have done it alone or without seeking guidance and wisdom from other mentors and healers, during that time.

And with my whole heart and soul I can say: I came here for you. I walked this path for you. To shine a light into your darkness! To guide and help you back home to yourself!

Feeling with your whole being creates new waves of selflove in your body. This is how you rewrite her story.

7 things
you did not know about me:


I love romcoms & fiction romance books. It’s one of my greatest joys, to dive into those worlds. My inner teenager is very happy about it.

After I finished my art therapy studies in vienna,
i solo traveled & hitchhiked through oceania for 8 month.
This journey helped me understand, that life is what we think of it!
I worked in a bar for two years, where I played DJ and hostess all night long. I learned a lot about physical and energetic boundaries at this time.
I haven’t found my home yet – for now it´s berlin – but secretly I see myself living in the canadian woods – next to the ocean – with my future dog and future husband.


My body is a vessel for powerful transmissions. I had many otherworldly experiences, listening to live music and being in nature.
I understood, how important it is, with whom, with what
& where i spend my time. Because everything colours my being.
Inside me is an artist, who has not fully come alive yet! I illustrated two children’s books in the past and painted lots of canvases. One day i wish to come back to that!
I am not a summer person. I find summer most exhausting. I prefer the wetter seasons like autumn – where I enjoy the special light and dark & moist atmosphere. This is when my soul comes much more alive.
I am not a summer person. I find summer most exhausting. I prefer the wetter seasons like autumn – where I enjoy the special light and dark & moist atmosphere, This is when my soul comes much more alive.
Inside me is an artist, who has not fully come alive yet! I illustrated two children’s books in the past and painted lots of canvases. One day i wish to come back to that!


My body is a vessel for powerful transmissions. I had many otherworldly experiences, listening to live music and being in nature.
I understood, how important it is, with whom, with what
& where i spend my time. Because everything colours my being.
  • 2024 Institute for Magical Affairs Juliane Rutscher
    White Class – Mentoring Energy Healing
  • 2022 Aura Surgery Basics Amayah Simone Schwab
  • 2021 Starting my Business in Berlin & Online
  • 2019 Aura Basic Course
    Yupa Shamanic Center Berlin
  • 2018 Moved from Austria to Germany
  • 2018 Art therapist at the Hospital on the North Sea/Wilhelmshaven
    Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • 2015 – 2016 Training in Expressive Dance
    Rosalia Chladek System Vienna
  • 2013 -2014 Training as a Holistic Dance and Movement Teacher
    Holistic Dance Institute Sabine Parzer
  • 2012 Solo self-discovery trip through Oceania
    Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand
  • 2008/2009 Travel to India
  • 2007-2011 Training to become a qualified Holistic Art Therapist
    Academy for Art Therapy Vienna
  • 2007 – Ongoing numerous workshops with international teachers in visual and performing arts, consciousness & healing work and somatic dance.
  • 2001 – 2006 – HBLA for Artistic Design
    High School Diploma
  • 1984 Born in Waidhofen/Ybbs Austria