So let yourself feel.
Deeply and whole heartedly.
It’s okay to lose track sometimes.
But always come back to her.
Cherish her.
Nourish her.
Stay connected with her dance.
Which is just one form of connecting with her. Never loose the ability to express yourself. Inwards and outwards ~ trough art and all forms of love.
Walk, kiss and speak love poems under the sun. Under the moon, as if it’s your most intimate lover. Go outside as often as possible. Inhale fresh air. Dive in her oceans. Meet loved ones. Meet yourself. Feel the winds on your skin. Let your soul come alive.
Touch the earth. Taste her gifts.
Flow with the waters. Gaze with the birds.
Get lost in the world out there.
Feel home in unknown lands.
Find peace under foreign languages.
Dream like you mean it.
Nourish her ~ with all the goods that you receive. Don’t stop believing in her. Don’t stop her. Remain clear ~ within your mind heart soul frequenzy.
Let your heart crack wide open. Dance with fear and show her your bravery to love again. And again. And let yourself feel.
We are here to feel. To live. To laugh.
To be alive. I love you, she whispers.
Keep dancing. Why aren’t you dancing.