Diversity & Clarity
I will bring my clients a chest of colorful magic to use. I offer tools of creative and moving introspection, based on my art and dance therapy education. The language of the moving body and expressive soul is clear and direct and gifts you with strong messages. My overall work focus lies in the feminine field of healing embodiment and empowered creation. I will bring you leadership, cyclic awareness, trauma sensitive embodiment, boundary awareness work and
I – strengthening, regarding your life and relationships. I also use energetic mentoring through constellation work, energy field clearing and inner child healing through energetic parts work. My expertise comes through offering diversity, but bringing crystal clear grounded clarity and safety to your physical home. I am clearvoyant and clairsentient. In working close with you, I will receive sensations and visual pictures through my body, to then transmute and mirror it back to you.
Diving deep in my own healing journey for almost all my life, I cultivated a very strong and clear bond to my body. We have been through a lot together. And she has been with me all along. Through pain, cyclic issues, illness, depression, abuse, transgenerational trauma,… The language of the body is clear and often times raw and primal. That is, why it is important, to learn how to co – create with her and understand her signs. She is communicating through feelings and sensations, subtle impulses. Learning to listen and be with her, makes a big part of my work. This is what I mean when is say: come back home.
Feminine Leadership
I lead by example, which means: If I am grounded, well rested, nourished, trustful, clear and strongly connected within myself, so can be my clients. My Intention in every session is to come as close as possible to the essence of your body´s needs and concerns. In feeling and sensing deeper within, we allow integration and closeness of unresided stories. This leads towards a state of groundedness and connection.
Healing & Deconditioning
My clients often come with great disconnection from their feminine bodies and hearts. Although they posses this heightened sensitivity and empathetic ability – their bond to themselves is missing or painfully torn apart. This often stems from being a parentified child – growing up with unconsciously traumatized parents, that were numbing their pain away through sugar, food, alcohol or work. They were emotionally absent or abusive and not able to create a save and feeling enviroment for us. In stopping to repeat this behaviour and numb ourselves, we will face all those repressed feelings and pictures, that will rise to the surface and free themselves out of our system. Committing to our healing journey, we will learn, how to hold ourselves and create a new relationship to our feelings and physical home. We are the medicine. But we are also the poision, if we do not wake up and see with clear eyes.
Energetic Boundaries & Sacred No´s
My second focus is about cultivating and learning about energy fields, boundaries and I – strengthening. With the gift of feeling deeply, often comes this overwhelming sense of being exposed to the world around you, without any protection. Being out there feels unsafe. Emotions of others get mixed up in your own system. My work can help you in clearing the field, of what is yours to hold and what belongs to others. We lovingly create a safe energetic space, to clear the air and seperate foreign stories and feelings, out of your body. Energy first! Everything else, second.
Selfworth & Selflove
Being highly sensitive and a thin skinned woman, can feel wild at times. Not knowing how to set clear boundaries, often stems from a fragile or non existent self worth. This can heavily show – in missing your own leadership and self love – around being a woman. Coming back to our bodies needs and our feminine leadership, we will start to bring awareness around: Who is leading in your life? Which inner authorities are present? Which inner children need healing and grounding and lovingly put back in right place.
Create the feminine way
With a stable foundation of embodiment and energetic integration, we move toward creating your own business and life, led by your nourished inner feminine and healthy masculine. Far away from stressing, chasing, numbing and burning out and instead coming closer to trusting, embodying, feeling deeper and opening the heart space to receive and create your wildest dreams from within. Because it is your birthright to do so.